An English pine fireplace in the Georgian manner

An English pine fireplace in the Georgian manner
An English pine fireplace in the Georgian manner
An English pine fireplace in the Georgian manner
An English pine fireplace in the Georgian manner

An English pine fireplace in the Georgian manner. The jambs with egg-and-dart to ungrounds, surmounted by frieze featuring centre plaque featuring urns with ram's heads flanked by flutes and wreaths. The shelf with dentils, egg-and-dart and beading. English, early 20th century.  

Stock No: 4029      £7,500 + VAT
Shelf Width:1440 mm   |   56 ¾"
Overall Height:1475 mm   |   58 ⅛"
Opening Height:1030 mm   |   40 ½"
Opening Width:1220 mm   |   48"
Depth Of Shelf:190 mm   |   7 ½"
Overall Plinths:328 mm   |   12 ⅞"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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