A Regency style cast iron firebasket

A Regency style cast iron firebasket
A Regency style cast iron firebasket
A Regency style cast iron firebasket
A Regency style cast iron firebasket
A Regency style cast iron firebasket

A good quality cast iron firebasket in the Regency style. The bowed front bars with brass uprights below and shaped feet. The cast iron pedimented back with ball finial to centre. English, 19th century.

Stock No: FG1264      £4,800 + VAT
Width At Front:625 mm   |   24 ⅝"
Width At Back:570 mm   |   22 ½"
Height:565 mm   |   22 ¼"
Depth:338 mm   |   13 ¼"

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