A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate

A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate
A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate
A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate
A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate
A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate
A large and imposing polished cast iron Victorian firegrate

A large and imposing Victorian firegrate. Polished cast iron firedogs with scrolled bases and masks, cast brass fret and ornate iron back with scrolls, shell and foliage. Mid to late 19th century.

Stock No: FG0859      £4,950 + VAT
Width At Front:1145 mm   |   45 ⅛"
Width At Back:560 mm   |   22"
Height:760 mm   |   29 ⅞"
Depth:445 mm   |   17 ½"

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